Season 4

219: Season 4, Episode 5

Sentenced for Life

Produced by Bianca Seidman
In New York state, a felony conviction is forever. Long after they’ve complete their sentences, tens of thousands of New Yorkers continue to face life challenges. VIDEO »

Friend or Foe?

Produced by Kahliah Laney
New York City has a number of new initiatives to help the growth of small businesses. While the city gives, it also takes away because of red tape, costly fines and tolls. So is the city a friend or foe? VIDEO »

Beyond 9/11: Terrorism 101

Produced by Christina Diaz

Ten years after 9/11, higher education is taking a second look at the way it studies terrorism. Today, it’s no longer strictly an academic exercise. For many, it’s a new career path. VIDEO »

Living in Limbo

Produced by Malgorzata Wojtunik
Reported by Debra Pangestu

Thousands of workers are lured to the U.S. each year in search of a better life and become victims of labor trafficking. They can’t stay in the U.S. and they can’t return home. VIDEO »


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